Apart from Him we can do nothing

11 Ways Christians Fellowship Together

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Christian Fellowship is one of the ways we abide with Christ. Today we look at 11 ways Christians fellowship together to our mutual benefit.

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

What is Christian fellowship and why is fellowship so important?

Because the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ is not intended to be done in solitude.

Link to Pinterest pin inforgraphic listing 11 ways Christians fellowship together: Worship, instruction, prayer, discipleship, mentorship, communion, service, support, charity, hospitality, and leisure. There should be times when we separate ourselves for one-on-one time with God, just as Jesus modeled for us (Luke 5:16). But as the Church, the Bride of Christ, it is intended that we come together regularly in Christian fellowship.

Being intentional in participating in one or more of the ways Christians fellowship together is one of the ways we surrender to Christ. For it is through fellowshipping together we give ourselves opportunity to love each other. Jesus’ disciples will be known for their love for one another. This is a commandment from Christ to His followers.

Many of the ways Christians fellowship together are simply communal expressions of things we also do privately as an act of worship and/or obedience to Jesus Christ. Some can only be done in community.

Serving such a creative, expressive God, it should come as no surprise to us that there are many ways in which we can fellowship with each other. Below are 11 Ways Christians Fellowship together.

11 Ways Christians Fellowship Together


The Bible specifically encourages followers of Jesus Christ to come together for worship in singing. We see singing described as “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19).

I find it interesting that Paul did not write down any instructions about how to sing. It is also interesting that, based on Paul’s description, levels of formality are inferred. Some times of worship may be more formal, others more expressive.

Of all the ways Christians fellowship together, this one may bring us the “closest” to Heaven. Take a look at the 11 ways Christians fellowship together on this list, and you’ll see what I mean. Worship is the most prominently mentioned activity we’ll partake of in Heaven.

FYI, I don’t think there’s such a thing as off-key when you are opening your heart in worship. If you want to let it fly, let it fly. God loves it.


Your first thought may be listening to a sermon, but your pastor isn’t the only teacher in your life. There are small group leaders, Sunday School teachers, or there may be a community Bible study out there somewhere.

When you find opportunities to learn more about God that allow for discussion and feedback, there is an opportunity to gain perspective from others, or deepen your own understanding through dialogue. Even when it comes to sermons, your pastor may have a follow-up group discussion time. This interaction in the pursuit of Godly instruction is one of the vital ways Christians fellowship together.


Jesus teaches us about prayer. While there is certainly a component to prayer that is private and personal, there are times when praying together is called for, such as for the sick (James 5:13-16).

When we come together to pray together, while we certainly commune with our Lord, it’s also one of the ways Christians fellowship together. Jesus tells us when 2 or 3 are gathered together in His name, He is there (Matthew 18:20). In this way, Jesus encourages us to gather together.

Many churches are in the practice of sharing prayer requests in their bulletins. But I can say one church I attended had a special way of handling them.

They would collect prayer requests before the service. At the appointed time, the pastor would pull them out and read them all. Requests and praises, named and anonymous. After each one the pastor would ask who would pray for that person. It was a beautiful way of praying in fellowship.

However you do it, praying in a corporate setting and with other believers is a powerful means of promoting Christian fellowship.


It can be easy in this day and age to believe we are in a discipling relationship when we are not. There are a few forms of discipleship; first, there is the spiritual parent/child relationship that develops when a believer has helped a person make a decision for Christ. The second comes in group settings. These can take the form of groups or classes organized by churches, or organized in a non-formal setting by individuals. Either will benefit by an understanding of the mission of discipleship.

Either kind may incorporate other forms of fellowship but is marked by a deliberate investment on the part of experienced believers into the lives of new believers.

That’s right; bringing someone to the foot of the cross and helping them see the truth of the gospel of Christ is supposed to be just the beginning. It is Christ’s intention for the mature believer to walk alongside the new believer until they are mature enough to replicate the process of leading someone to Christ through the gospel. Discipleship is one of our most explicitly stated responsibilities as followers of Jesus Christ.


Mentorship is a specific form of discipleship and another way Christians fellowship together. In this instance it is a one-to-one approach.

When a disciple helps another person become part of the Body of Christ, they should take it as the beginning of their responsibilities, not the end. Part of that responsibility is to train up the other person in their faith. We are not told by Christ to make converts; He intends for us to grow new believers into strong, faithful believers, mature enough to develop their own mentoring relationships for others.

Unfortunately, not every person who comes to know Jesus has somebody right there with them to disciple them. Sometimes it is later in a person’s faith journey that they realize they are missing something by not having a mentoring relationship.

There are far too many churches today filled with immature believers. I mean that not as an insult, but in the truest sense of the word. A spiritual child will struggle with growing into a grounded spiritual adult without spiritual guidance. It shouldn’t have to be this way, but if you find yourself in this position, reach out to a spiritual leader you trust and tell them you want a personal faith mentor.


Communion is one of the sacraments, ordinances, or a different label depending on your faith tradition. The biblical evidence is that it is to be shared in community when taken.

Jesus Christ Himself instituted the practice, telling us to remember Him as we do it (Luke 22:17-20).

Communion is meant to be a sacred time, but do not feel like you are unqualified to lead a group of believers in the practice if it is a proper moment for it. Some denominations have very strict rules around clergy serving communion, and for an orderly worship experience, that’s understandable. But don’t take that to mean serving communion is an exalted privilege that only belongs to clergy.

Having said that, understand that it is a solemn, sacred moment and one we must all prepare and examine ourselves for no matter who is leading or partaking (1 Corinthians 11:17-34).


There is a special joy created in the heart of believers who are working side by side to do the work of God’s kingdom. The Bible often describes showing God’s love to others in practical meeting of needs. Yes, we have the ability to support God’s work financially, but He also wants us to “get our hands dirty”, so to speak. In biblical terms, it is a means to keep from hiding our lamps and giving an opportunity for God to be praised by exhibiting good deeds (Matthew 5:14-16).

Whether caring for the hungry, sick, or indigent, followers of Christ are blessed when they serve others. In this way they are exhibiting the love of Christ. Indeed, that are actually loving Christ Himself in doing so (Matthew 25:37-40).


When we say support here, we are focusing on financial support. We are not talking specifically about tithing, but all giving to further the kingdom of God.

The reality is, Jesus does not limit us to 10%. He tells us to sell our possessions to give to those in need (Luke 12:33) and to give more than we are asked (Matthew 5:40-42). God wants us to be prepared to be generous on His behalf; as you may have heard before, God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).

By coming together and supporting our local church and missionaries, we are contributing to the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


We are told that early church believers shared everything they had, and the needy were supported by those with means (Acts 4:32-35).

Even at this early time, they were committed to using their collected funds to care for the widows among them (Acts 6:1-4).Providing for each other in a time of need is a means for supplying God’s provision to His followers.

At one point in my life I had an extended stretch of unemployment. God provided for every bill to be paid. Some of that wouldn’t have been possible without the loving – and at times anonymous – provision from fellow believers. And when I eventually found work, it was through the help of a fellow believer.


There is a type of giving to other believers that is not focused on need, but on want of their presence. Hospitality is a special means of extending fellowship to others, showing them value and worth.

Times of opening our homes to other believers may have one of various purposes, from the deeply spiritual to simple enjoyment of each other. For the hosts, it also reveals that they find partaking of Christian fellowship to be so important they are willing to take the first step.


And finally, sometimes it is just about enjoying one another as people who share the common bond of Jesus Christ. Not every moment has to be overtly spiritual, but they can always have an undergirding of our commonality in faith in Christ. We don’t often think of leisure as one of the ways Christians fellowship with one another, but it is also an important activity.

What is especially wonderful about spending time in leisure activities with fellow believers is, you will find yourselves slipping in and out of spiritual matters with ease.

In college, I spent a good amount of my free time at a Christian student center. On any given day, I could play cards, eat lunch, discuss the Bible, play ping pong, or pray with the very same people, and have an equal level of comfort doing all those things. It remains one of the favorite times of my life.

Are You Experiencing the Ways Christians Fellowship Together?

So which of the 11 ways Christians fellowship together are the most fulfilling to you? Which have you not been pursuing lately? As believers, we can draw great strength from sharing life with fellow Christians, becoming united with one another.

I encourage you to avail yourself of all the many ways you can abide with Christ through fellowshipping together with other Christians.

More Bible verses about fellowshipping with fellow believers:

Psalm 133: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Matthew 18:20; John 17:20-23; Romans 12:9-13; Galatians 6:10; 1 Peter 3:8

All Biblical reference links courtesy of Bible Gateway, a searchable online Bible tool hosting more than 200 versions of the Bible in over 70 languages.

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