Apart from Him we can do nothing

Category: Repentance

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what is biblical repentance?

What is Biblical Repentance?

Biblical repentance starts from conviction of our sin. True biblical repentance reveals who we are and who we can be with Christ.

The sin of self-reliance is that we put ourselves before Jesus.

The Sin of Self-Reliance

We commit the sin of self-reliance when we waver and choose the world’s way over God’s way. We must admit our brokenness before Christ.

The benefit of Godly sorrow is that it leads us to genuine repentance

The Benefit of Godly Sorrow

Even in the right frame of mind, it is difficult to endure correction. But the benefit of godly sorrow far outweighs any temporary pain.

If we have wandered from the faith, we have the ability to find our way back to Christ

Find Your Way Back to Christ

If you are anguished by the state of your Christian faith and are trying to find your way back to Christ, the good news is, there is hope.

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