Apart from Him we can do nothing

God Invites Us to His Throne

God invites us to His throne, because He wants to hear prayers from His people

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God does not refuse us His presence. When God invites us to His throne, we know we can enter any time, and be lovingly welcomed.

On the third day of the fast, Esther put on her royal robes and entered the inner court of the palace, just across from the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne, facing the entrance. When he saw Queen Esther standing there in the inner court, he welcomed her and held out the gold scepter to her. So Esther approached and touched the end of the scepter. (Esther 5:1-2)

Do you ever step back, take a minute, and appreciate the marvel that is prayer?

When we pray, we are entering into the presence of almighty God, whose power is on display every time we look into the heavens. Think about the sum total of the energy, size, and variety we see in the universe. Our God spoke that into existence.

Why should He have even the slightest thought of us? When the world and humanity are guilty of so much sin? How many people mock and hurl insults at God on a daily basis?

But of course, we know God does think on us. He loves us, cares for us, and shows us incredible mercy. The most merciful thing He ever did as a result of His great love for us was to allow His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins.

In so doing, Christ conquered sin and death. Through His sacrifice, we are made right with God (2 Corinthians 5:21). This now provides us the ability to access God’s throne.

And not just access; God invites us to His throne. We are always granted access in prayer to our God.

Fear Before the Throne

Today’s reference recalls the moment where Queen Esther, a Jew, began her plan to seek her king’s help in protecting the Jewish people. Protection that was required when Haman convinced the king to issue a decree to put the Jews to death within the king’s province.

Esther was afraid to go to the king at first because of the risk involved. If the king was not pleased to receive a person coming to his throne, that person could be put to death. Even a queen.

As a sign of acceptance, the king would extend his scepter to the person requesting his presence.

Esther spent 3 days and nights in prayer and fasting, along with her court, Mordecai her uncle, and every Jew Mordecai could enlist. In faith, she went before the king, deciding that “if I must die, I must die” (Esther 4:16).

The Bible goes on to tell us Esther was received by the king, and the plot was eventually foiled. This is the origin of Purim, which is celebrated annually by the Jewish people to this day.

We are to have a healthy fear of God, as the Bible teaches us it is the foundation of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). However, unlike Esther and her king, we do not have to fear going to God’s throne.

God’s Scepter is Always Extended

Link to Pinterest pin image of woman praying with text that reads "Any prayers Christ's followers bring to God's throne will be gladly received". Since God invites us to His throne, we can go to Him there confidently, knowing  His grace and mercy is there for us. (Hebrews 4:16). Our heavenly King’s scepter will always be extended. Any prayers Christ’s followers bring to God’s throne will be gladly received.

As we abide with Christ, growing in His love and mercy, our attitude towards prayer will mature.

When we come into a greater understanding of the power of prayer, we will grow more bold in going before God’s throne.

Eventually, if we continue in the practice of prayer, we will begin to yearn for that time with God. We will come to love spending time with Him with our entire being (Psalm 84:1-2).

This is the privilege of prayer. But there is more to prayer than how we benefit from it.

Prayer is also something God expects of us.

God Invites Us to His Throne

It is a blessing that God invites us to His throne. But let’s not make the mistake of thinking God is sitting there, strumming His fingers, waiting for us to grace Him with our presence. Praying to God is an expectation of Christ’s followers.

This in itself is a sign of God’s mercy towards us. God knows what prayer will do to grow, mature, and strengthen His followers. So, God ensured the Bible was filled with reminders that prayer is a must for those who believe in Him.

God wants us to continually be in an attitude of prayer with Him. It is His will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). The Bible says to pray in the Spirit “at all times and on every occasion” (Ephesians 6:18).

God invites us to His throne because He knows when we pray, we are showing submission, reverence, and obedience to Him. A praying heart is a penitent heart with which God can do wonderous things.

Keep the amazing, wonderful, marvelous mystery of prayer alive inside of you. Let it do it’s work in your heart and life. Then watch your walk with Christ blossom and bear much fruit for the kingdom of God.

More verses where we see God invites us to His throne:

2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 34:17; Jeremiah 29:12; Daniel 9:18;  Philippians 4:6; 1 Timothy 2:1; James 5:16

All Biblical reference links courtesy of Bible Gateway, a searchable online Bible tool hosting more than 200 versions of the Bible in over 70 languages.

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